Asbestos Removal

Asbestos Removal

Asbestos is a Class 1 Carcinogen and currently accounts for over 5,000 deaths per year from past exposure.

Should you identify asbestos that needs to be removed, repaired or collected you are in safe hands.

For nearly 2 decades we have gained a wealth of experience providing our services to 1000’s of customers throughout the UK with projects of all sizes.

Our customers are essentially anyone who has identified an asbestos problem and needs a solution that is regulatory compliant, timely, cost effective and with a common-sense approach. These include private households, local authorities, healthcare authorities, commercial, retail, utilities and social housing providers.

All of our staff are fully trained to the highest possible standards and audited frequently, ensuring that all projects surpass industry best practice at all times and enabling us to work at a multitude of sites.

At the initial enquiry stage, one of our Contracts Managers will take the time to understand your requirements, offer you the most common sense and cost effective solution, guide you through the project process and we will finally issue you with all of the necessary certification upon completion, no matter how urgent the job.

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